The Bubble by Trimtab Technology

The most humane and friendly way to deliver inhaled medication to your furry friends!

Getting your kitty comfy!


Place treats in the The Bubble and leave it out for your cat to investigate. This helps them learn that The Bubble is their friend!


Keep the vibe pawsitive by rewarding your cat every time they use The Bubble.

Using The Bubble


Shake the inhaler, then insert its mouthpiece into applicator’s center hole. You can keep them combined or separate them after each use.


While holding the dome by its top ring, place the two pieces together and then activate the inhaler to release its medicine into The Bubble.


Gently scoop the dome over the cat’s head and hold it in place for 10-15 Second while comforting your cat , then simply slide it off!

How to maintain


Every few uses, clean both pieces of The Bubble with warm water and a mild dish soap, then allow it to air dry.


Keep The Bubble in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. You can store the applicator and multiple inhalers inside the dome when not in use!

                When my beloved little queen Lotus suddenly developed asthma in 2017, she needed help but simply couldn't tolerate being assaulted by any of the inhaler applicators available at the time. I knew there had to be a better way, and thus The Bubble was born. After developing and testing many designs, I landed on a handmade version of the device you're holding now.What Lotus and I created together worked so well for her and other cats that I knew it needed to be shared with pet owners around the world. Now, for the first time, you help your pet breathe easy too - no tough love required!

- Ed Hallman

Inventor of The Bubble

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